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Full Doctrinal Statement

 The men and women of this Ministry hold to the full doctrinal statement as stated below.


1. The Bible

We believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, and the supreme final authority in doctrine and practice (2Timothy 3:16-17 2Peter 1:21 John 17:17).


2. The God-head (Trinity)  

We believe there is one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:4, II Cor. 13:14, I Cor. 8:6, Col. 2:9, Acts 5:3-4


3: Jesus Christ                                              

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God, fulfill prophecy, and redeem sinful man. We believe He accomplished our redemption through His substitutionary sacrifice on the cross, His burial, and His bodily resurrection.

We believe our redemption and salvation are guaranteed by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead and that He is the only means of salvation. (John 1:1-18, Luke 1:35 Romans 3:24-26: 4:25 John 14:6 Acts 4:12 Philip 2:5-8 1Tim 2:5


4: The Great Commission

We believe in the great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-19).


5: Holy Communion.

We believe in a holy communion. (1st Corinthians 11:23-29 John 6:53-58, Matthew 26:26-30)


6. Holy Spirit Baptism

 We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-4


7. Marriage

We believe in marriage one woman to one man. Genesis 2:22-25


8. Repentance

Repentance is complete turning away from all known sins and it is required for personal salvation Acts 11:16 John 3:5 Matt 3:16


9. Water baptism

We believe water is by three emersions one in the name of the father, one in the name of the son, and one in the name of the Holy Spirit. Matt 8:13 Matt 4:17Luke 15:7 Mark 1:15


10: Sanctification

We believe sanctification, which is a setting apart unto God is positional, progressive, and ultimate. Positionally, it is already complete since the believer is in Christ and is set apart unto God as Christ is set apart unto God.  Since the Christian retain his sinful nature; however, there is need for progressive sanctification whereby he grows in grace by the power of the Spirit. Ultimately, the child of God will be set apart from sin in his practice (as he is now in his position in Christ). When he is taken to be with Christ and shall be like him. (John 17:17, 2Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 5:25-27, 1Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 10:10, 14)


11. The Church 

We believe the Church, the body and Bride of Christ, is a spiritual organism, made up of all born-again persons of this present age. We believe the Church began at Pentecost and that a believer is placed into the Church by the baptizing work of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Church is distinct from Israel. (Ephesians 1:22-23, 1Corinthians 12:32)


12. The Second Coming

We believe in the personal, imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Church. This event will occur with a great tribulation on earth and then the Rapture. Which will culminate in the visible and bodily return of Jesus Christ to the earth, commonly called the Second Coming. (Thessalonians 4:13-18, Philippians 3:20, Matthew 24:15-31, Zechariah 14: 4-11, Revelation 19:11-21)


13. The Resurrection

 We believe in the resurrection of the death; some to life and some to eternal damnation. I Cor. 15:50-58 Luke 24:1-10



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